PASS Summit Memories Blog Series – Day 28 – It's Not All Unicorns and Rainbows

Well, OK, sometimes it is. But not always.

Twice in my life I have had the distinction of having Kevin Kline (blog | @kekline) tell me that I am not loved by enough people. The first was in 2007 in Denver, and Kevin delivered the news to me with a mouth full of chicken wings (true story). The next time was in 2008, but this time he did so while sitting at a table in a conference room at the convention center sans chicken wings. In both cases, the reason for the conversation was simple: I had lost the election for the PASS Board of Directors, and Kevin was the one to tell me the news.

I honestly have no idea how I ever decided to even run for the Board. I recall being asked by others to apply, and I recall making it through the nomination process. But when the time came to count the votes I was always coming up short it seemed.

But I am nothing if not persistent. And in 2009, while in between film sessions for a SSWUG Virtual Conference, I got a phone call. Many of you may already know how much I hate answering the phone. Well, when Kevin Kline calls, you answer the damn phone! I did and he told me I had finally won an election.

That was two years ago. Somehow it seems much farther away than the memory of 2007, and the disappointment that night.

Fortunately such disappointing events are few and far between for me at PASS Summits. In fact, those are the only two disappointments I can recall in all of the years I have been attending.

Not too shabby.

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