Dear Vendor

Thanks for getting back to me. I know that you want this relationship to work as much as I do, and that we can get through any problem if we work together. So what if you create your own databases on the C: drive, we can fix that.

And I love how you go out of your way to create jobs inside of SQL Agent to perform your own backups. It really is nice that you take care of such things. And the fact that you do transaction log backups every fifteen minutes on databases you created that are set to SIMPLE mode is downright cute. After all, you won’t have to respond to those job failures, so what does it matter, right?

But when you start interfering with the system databases you have crossed a line. See, my company already has a DBA here, and it’s me. So, should disaster strike, it is my responsibility to recover their data. If you are going around taking backups of the system databases and placing them on the same drive as your data and log files it could make my job slightly more difficult.

You know I don’t want to leave you, I really don’t. But I am not certain this relationship is going to be able to continue if you keep making my life miserable. If I have to choose between you and happiness, you will lose every time.

Thanks for listening, and I hope we can make this work, I really do.


Continue to the next Dear Vendor letter.

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