Mister SCOM

Have I told you before about how much I love Systems Center Operations Manager (SCOM)?


Well then, let me make it clear: I love SCOM, very much. A little too much, if you ask those around me. Oh sure, SCOM has lots of issues, but who among us is perfect? Even the Patriots lost once this year, right?

I have been using SCOM to some degree for about a year now. In that time I have come to understand a lot of the finer details about how it all works (when it works, of course). I am slowly replacing a lot of my home-grown monitoring systems with SCOM, taking out one piece at a time, letting it run in SCOM, and evaluating the results. And in every case I usually end up more satisfied than not.

I plan on using it to collect info that SCOM does not collect by default (say, sp_configure information) and I may even think about putting in scripts that would let me run database dumps.

If anyone else out there is using SCOM and has stories to share, please do so. I would love to hear about how you are using SCOM. I am thinking about building some management packs and making them available for download, just let me know if you are interested.

1 thought on “Mister SCOM”

  1. Yes, I am definitely interested in seeing any MPs that you create for free distribution. Personally, at this time in my life, I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited and scared by a software package as OpsMgr has made me. At this point, I’m feeling SQL Server 7.0 was easier to get into…

    I’m wishing there were some good, this is how we monitor our database environment with OpsMgr. If you know of any, please forward along.


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