HOW TO: ALTER TABLE in Windows Azure SQL Database Without Filling Up Your Transaction Log

HOW TO: ALTER TABLE in Windows Azure SQL Database Without Filling Up Your Transaction Log

One of the things I love most about Windows Azure SQL Database (WASD) is that you don’t have many options when it comes to performance tuning. WASD makes you focus on code and design in order to maximize performance. I would estimate that 98% of all performance issues are due to sub-optimal code and database design … Read more

Why Windows Azure SQL Database May Be Right For You

Why Windows Azure SQL Database May Be Right For You

Grande. Bold. No room. It’s my standard order when at Starbucks. Despite there being thousands of ways to have my coffee prepared I prefer the simplest. It’s probably why I enjoy working with Windows Azure SQL Database (WASD) so much. The number of configuration options we have with WASD is limited. By limiting the options … Read more

Top 7 Things You Want To Do In Windows Azure SQL Database, But Can’t

Top 7 Things You Want To Do In Windows Azure SQL Database But Can't

I’m a huge fan of Windows Azure SQL Database (WASD), I really am. I know there are other fans out there as well. With each passing day we help transport more of the old-school DBAs into the 21st century by showing them what Azure has to offer. Unfortunately there are always a few folks that … Read more

SQL Server Query Performance Tuning: A 12 Step Program

Performance tuning is hard. Everyone knows that. Has anyone ever tried to figure out why? Sure, there’s that big old “it depends” that gets tossed about. Look, at the end of the day you only have so many possible resource bottlenecks: disk, memory, CPU, and network. I don’t care if you are running Linux, Unix, … Read more