Why I’m Not Worried About Skynet
I’m 98% confident if you ask three data scientists to define Artificial Intelligence (AI), you will get five different answers.
I’m 98% confident if you ask three data scientists to define Artificial Intelligence (AI), you will get five different answers.
I don’t want to alarm you, but your cloud is infested with vampires. These cloud vampires are costing you money. They are also difficult to find.
The hype around blockchain technology is reaching a fever pitch these days. Visit any tech conference and you’ll find more than a handful of vendors offering blockchain in one form or another. This includes Microsoft, IBM, and AWS. Each of those companies offers a public blockchain as a service.
The internet provides everyone the ability to access data at any time, for any need. Unfortunately, it does not help guarantee that the data is valid, or clean. In the past year I have earned certifications in three areas: Data Science, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence. Those studies have provided me the opportunity to explore … Read more
Deadlocks are the result of application code combined with a database schema that results in an access pattern that leads to a cyclical dependency.
Your database design is awful. The reason nobody has told you this yet is for one of two reasons: ignorance or apathy. They either don’t know it’s bad, or they don’t care. Well *I* care about bad designs, as I typically bear the burden of having to make queries run fast and overcome the limits … Read more