Meme Monday

This is my 600th blog post. That seems like a lot of…well…nothing. In celebration of 600 blog posts I have decided to start a meme. The concept is simple: The first Monday of every month people write about a topic. Think T-SQL Tuesday, or Un-SQL Friday but without the overhead of hosting or linking back … Read more

Book Review: Twitter Wit

“It’s called Twitter, and you should get in on it, it’s like liquid bacon injected into your veins with a Jager chaser.” And so I was introduced to Twitter back in the summer of 2008. I had no idea what Twitter was about. I remember signing up, reading a few random tweets from people I … Read more

More Twitter Love

“…i don’t care what you think, as long as it’s about me, the best of us can find happiness in misery…” A while back I wrote a post about why I do not like newsgroups, and how much better the MVP forums are. Some comments were left that indicated I was being an ass for … Read more