DBA Confidential

Last month I was in NYC for some meetings and happened to grab thirty minutes of time with my manager. We shared a walk to grab some breakfast, headed back to the office and just sat in a conference room for about thirty minutes and talked. Why would I bother to tell you this? Well, … Read more

SQL Quiz Part 2

Well, he did it again, and I got tagged by Denny and Tim (who apparently does not read or subscribe to Denny’s blog). So I thought I should answer the bell and post a response, then tag someone else. The question at hand is: What are the largest challenges that you have faced in your … Read more


That little green arrow for the debugger is not a welcome addition. Really. Not my favorite thing, especially since you have to be a sysadmin to debug. Seems odd that you tell developers to develop code with the least amount of privileges necessary, and then force them to be a sysadmin to debug. Stop laughing. … Read more

Dear Vendor

Hi there. How are you doing? I hope things are going well for you. Thanks for the pizza the other day, along with the t-shirts and free pens. I know we are going through a rough patch, and you are making an effort by giving us things and buying some food in an effort to … Read more

Dear Vendor

I honestly do not know what to say. How did it come to this point? We once had something wonderful, a relationship based upon trust and mutual respect. But now…now it is as if I do not know who you are anymore. Why the need to always be in control? Why do you insist on … Read more