SQL Azure Videos

Since I have been railing on SQL Azure lately, I thought I could share with you some of the videos you can watch for free over at MSDN. In case you were not aware, there is a LOT of free content over at MSDN and I am trying to utilize it more and more these days. Right now I am using it as a way to understand more about SQL Azure and I thought I could share three videos that you may also find useful.

MSDN Video: Microsoft SQL Azure Security Model (Level 200)

This session will cover the following topics:• Authentication• Authorization

MSDN Video: Microsoft SQL Azure RDBMS Support (Level 200)

This session will cover the following topics:• Creating, accessing and manipulating tables, views, indexes, roles, procedures, triggers, and functions• Insert, Update, and Delete• Constraints• Transactions • Temp tables• Query Support

MSDN Webcast: geekSpeak: SQL Azure Under the Hood with Chris Rolon (Level 200)

In this episode of geekSpeak, Chris Rolon gives us a look under the hood of Microsoft SQL Azure to see how was constructed. Chris discusses the issues involving high availability, failure detection, automatic failover, and the distributed data fabric.

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