Forewords for DBA Survivor

I wanted to give a big thanks to Kevin Kline (blog | twitter) and Buck Woody (blog | twitter) for writing the forewords to my book. I put them on their own page at, as well as posted a blog entry for them.

I’m not sure I could ever thank them for taking the time to write a foreword for my book. I owe them both a debt of thanks for a lot of help they have given me over the years. Kevin introduced me to my love Operations Manager (we dated for a while and then married four years ago) and Buck once helped me disable a logon trigger using the DAC during a chat session in a LiveMeeting that we were both attending. Having them both agree to write a foreword was easy: I didn’t tell them about each other. But, now with the book out, they are sure to find out I was cheating on them with the other. So, I might as well go public with the info and wanted to share with you what they wrote.

Kevin and Buck, thanks for your help.

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