Random Thoughts for a Friday

No question again this week, so I decided to just give you some random thoughts to ponder for the weekend.You’re welcome.

Time travel is to a science fiction writer what babies are to sitcom writers. It is what you use when you cannot think of anything else, or want to be given as much leeway as possible to force events to happen. Yeah, I’m talking to you, J.J. Abrams.

Most guitars have six strings. Most people have only four fingers and a thumb. So whoever invented the guitar was obviously a freak of nature.

One of the most useless features in Microsoft Outlook has to be the red priority exclamation point. It does not make me treat any email as more important than the rest. The details of the email are what make it important to me, the reader, and not a red exclamation point. And if you think people are paying attention to you because you are putting red exclamation points on each and every one of your emails you are mistaken. If anything, they will pay less attention to you. Think about the little boy who cried wolf. He dies.

Always remember those on your way up, because they will surely remember you on your way down.

Does every time someone use the phrase “going commando”, does The Arnold get a royalty? And why is it called that anyway? I saw the movie probably fifty times and everyone had underwear. And if you were a real commando, why would you not have your underwear? Is there some military advantage to not wearing any underwear?

I believe that using an ‘order by’ clause without an index on the table is similar to sorting your papers in chronological order before throwing them in the trash. Why bother wasting your time?

Snapple fact #124 was found under my cap recently and my first thought was “well, they are probably afraid of being clubbed to death”. Why doesn’t something like that show up on Dirty Jobs?

2 thoughts on “Random Thoughts for a Friday”

  1. The red exclamation points are indeed heinous. I’ve encountered an individual who uses those and red text.

    I guess he saves ALL CAPS for the real emergencies.

  2. I have a co-worker that uses the red exclimation point for every e-mail. How do you gently tell somebody they aren’t as important as they think they are? Besides not replying to their e-mails.


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