Why Is My Server Running Slow?

It’s Sunday evening. You are sitting down to have dinner with your family. Suddenly your phone rings. You want to ignore it because, let’s face it, your phone rings a lot. But you see the person calling and knowing they don’t call very often you decide to answer. On the other end of the line … Read more

HOW TO: Trace Statements Without SQL Profiler

I came across an interesting scenario last week, someone needed to trace statements and they didn’t have SQL Profiler installed. Turns out they don’t actually need SQL Profiler in order to trace the statements hitting the instance. There is a trace flag (4032) that can be used to trace statements. When used with 3605, you … Read more

The Internet: Where Facts Go To Die

Last year I wrote a book review about The Cult of the Amateur: How Today’s Internet is Killing Our Culture. The short of it is this: there is a shortage of fact checkers. And no, having facts checked by a community of users (AKA: Wikipedia) doesn’t work because those are the same amateurs that are running … Read more