When I am delivering my session “Database Design: Size DOES Matter” at events around the world I will ask about the use of SQL Server identity values. My question comes in two parts, the first being “Do you use identity values” followed by “do you know how many you have left”?
Many people answer yes to the first part. Very few have any idea about the second part.
So, that’s the reason for this post today.
What is an identity column?
Identity columns are defined on a table so that the database engine will provide an incremental value automatically when a new row is inserted into the table. Only one identity column can be created per table, and they are not guaranteed to be unique. You enforce uniqueness for an identity column when you define it as the only column in a unique index or in a unique constraint (which, in SQL Server, creates a unique index).
Identity columns are often great choices for primary keys because they are narrow and ever increasing (this matters most for clustered primary keys). For many OLTP systems in SQL Server this is often ideal and what I would prefer over another common primary key choice of GUIDs. Identity columns are defined with two parameters, the seed value and the increment. If not specified these values default to (1,1). This is often a problem in many designs because by choosing (1,1) you are cutting your possible values in half (because numeric datatypes have a range from negative to positive, i.e., smallint goes from -32768 to 32767).
That means you can run out in half the amount of time.
What happens when you run out of values?
When the engine runs out of values all inserts to the table will stop with this error message:
Server: Msg 8115, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Arithmetic overflow error converting IDENTITY to data type smallint. Arithmetic overflow occurred.
This is a bad thing, and forces people to reseed the identity, often choosing the negative values as a stop-gap until they can rebuild the table with a larger datatype such as integer or bigint. I find it amusing that the seed value of 1 was chosen to avoid using negative values but since using negative values is how people end up digging themselves out of a hole eventually anyway why not just use them from the start? I’m guessing some folks enjoy being called at 3AM.
Oh well, that’s why I like to keep track of such things. I want to know how many identity values I have left, if they started at the smallest possible value, if they are incrementing by more than 1, etc.
How you can keep track of identity values?
By using our script!
Earlier this year Karen Lopez prompted me to write some code to help answer a few basic questions about identity values. She and I worked on this over the past few months, trying to find time in between our busy travel schedules. Over time the questions got more complex (such as “what happens if an identity column is part of more than one index?”) and we kept moving forward until we got to the version of the script we are sharing today.
A few remarks about the script:
If an identity column has not been used (i.e., no rows inserted yet) then it will not appear in the result set. I decided to avoid the extra math involved for NULL values because you know how much I hate those things. Karen disagrees, of course, and will tell you the story about how her father has no middle name. But I digress.
Also, the script should return one row for each identity value for which uniqueness is being enforced. In other words, since it is valid for multiple unique indexes to be created with only the identity column as a member, the script should return one row for each. I mentioned earlier that a column only has one identity value allowed, but that identity can be in multiple indexes and constraints. If you have an identity column that is a single column in more than one index, we thought you should know this.
We assume a rate of one insert per second when calculating the date you will run out. Feel free to adjust as needed. We used that because we thought we should use something. Also, the DATEADD function we use only allows for integer values so we can’t tell you how many seconds into the future it is for bigint values. It’s a lot, though.
We show you if the identity column is unique with the Is_Unique column. Not all identity columns are unique. If they are, then the values you see for this column should be PK (primary key), UQ (unique constraint), or Index (unique index). In each case, the identity column should be the only column in the index. Since uniqueness is not guaranteed by default, if you find your identity columns are not unique then you should check with your business end-users and make certain if uniqueness is a requirement or not.
We show you how many inserts were possible, as well as remaining. This helps you decide if your original seed value was perhaps not the best choice.
OK, enough remarks for now, on to the script. As always, here is the usual disclaimer:
Script disclaimer, for people who need to be told this sort of thing:
DISCLAIMER: Do not run code you find on the internet in your production environment without testing it first. Do not use this code if your vision becomes blurred. Seek medical attention if this code runs longer than four hours. On rare occasions this code has been known to cause one or more of the following: nausea, headaches, high blood pressure, popcorn cravings, and the impulse to reformat tabs into spaces. If this code causes your servers to smoke, seek shelter. Do not taunt this code.
You can also download a copy of the script here.
UPDATED: As noted in this post, the script can now be found over at GitHub, please pull the latest version from there, thanks!
File: SQL_Server_identity_values_check.sql
Authors: Thomas LaRock, https://thomaslarock.com/contact-me/
Karen Lopez, http://www.datamodel.com/index.php/category/blog/
Original blog post at https://thomaslarock.com/2015/11/sql-server-identity-values-check
This script will return the following items:
1. Schema_Name - The name of the schema for which the identity object belongs
2. Table_Name - The name of the table for which the identity object belongs
3. Column_Name - The name of the column for which the identity object belongs
4. Row_Count - The current number of rows in the table, as found in sys.dm_db_partition_stats
5. Total_Possible_Inserts - The number of inserts theoretically possible for the chosen identity datatype,
(i.e., if we had started at the min/max value and incremented by a value of +/- 1)
6. Inserts_Remaining - The number of inserts remaining given the last value and increment
7. Inserts_Possible - The number of total inserts possible given the defined seed and increment
8. Current_Inserts_Used_Pct - The percentage of inserts used,
calculated based upon Inserts_Remaining and Inserts_Possible (i.e., 1 - (IR/IP))
9. Date_You_Will_Run_Out - The estimated date you will run out, based upon ONE INSERT PER SECOND and added to GETDATE()
10. Is_Unique - If the identity column has been defined as unique. Possible values are:
PK - Uniqueness through primary key definition
UQ - Uniqueness through a unique constraint definition
INDEX - Uniqueness through the creation of a unique index (and we filter for indexes with only the identity column)
NONE - No uniqueness defined
11. Increment_Value - The current increment value
12. Last_Value - The last value inserted
13. Min_Value - The minimum value for the chosen identity datatype
14. Max_Value - The maximum value for the chosen identity datatype
15. Seed_Value - The chosen seed value
If an identity column has not been used (i.e., no rows inserted yet) then it will not appear in the result set.
You can see this in the code below, the section:
is where we are filtering for identity columns that have a last known value.
Also, the script should return one row for each identity value for which uniqueness is being enforced. In other words,
since it is valid for multiple unique indexes with only the identity column as a member, the script should return
one row for each.
Date: November 30th, 2015
SQL Server Versions: SQL2008, SQL2008R2, SQL2012, SQL2014
You may alter this code for your own purposes. You may republish
altered code as long as you give due credit.
Drop/create our temp table
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects
WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb.dbo.#tmp_IdentValues')
AND type IN (N'U'))
DROP TABLE #tmp_IdentValues
CREATE TABLE #tmp_IdentValues
(Schema_Name sysname,
Table_Name sysname,
Column_Name sysname,
Index_ID int,
Seed_Value DECIMAL(38,0),
Increment_Value DECIMAL(38,0),
Last_Value DECIMAL(38,0),
Data_Type sysname,
Min_Value DECIMAL(38,0),
Max_Value DECIMAL(38,0),
Row_Count bigint,
Is_Unique CHAR(5),
Count tinyint)
Insert into #tmp_IdentValues
INSERT INTO #tmp_IdentValues
select OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(si.object_id), OBJECT_NAME(si.object_id)
, si.name
, six.index_id
, CONVERT(DECIMAL(38,0),si.seed_value)
, CONVERT(DECIMAL(38,0),si.increment_value)
, CONVERT(DECIMAL(38,0),si.last_value)
, TYPE_NAME(si.system_type_id)
, CASE WHEN TYPE_NAME(si.system_type_id) = 'tinyint' THEN 0
WHEN TYPE_NAME(si.system_type_id) = 'smallint' THEN -32768
WHEN TYPE_NAME(si.system_type_id) = 'int' THEN -2147483648
WHEN TYPE_NAME(si.system_type_id) = 'bigint' THEN -9223372036854775808
WHEN TYPE_NAME(si.system_type_id) = 'decimal' THEN -9999999999999999999999999999999
WHEN TYPE_NAME(si.system_type_id) = 'numeric' THEN -9999999999999999999999999999999
, CASE WHEN TYPE_NAME(si.system_type_id) = 'tinyint' THEN 255
WHEN TYPE_NAME(si.system_type_id) = 'smallint' THEN 32767
WHEN TYPE_NAME(si.system_type_id) = 'int' THEN 2147483647
WHEN TYPE_NAME(si.system_type_id) = 'bigint' THEN 9223372036854775807
WHEN TYPE_NAME(si.system_type_id) = 'decimal' THEN 9999999999999999999999999999999
WHEN TYPE_NAME(si.system_type_id) = 'numeric' THEN 9999999999999999999999999999999
, sp.row_count
, CASE WHEN kc.type IS NULL THEN --If NULL, then we don't have a key constraint, so check for unique index
CASE WHEN six.is_unique = 0 THEN 'NONE' --If = 0, then we don't have a unique index
ELSE kc.type
END AS [uniquiness]
, COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(si.object_id), OBJECT_NAME(si.object_id), si.name) as [Count]
FROM sys.identity_columns si
INNER JOIN sys.tables st ON si.object_id = st.object_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.indexes six ON si.object_id = six.object_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.index_columns sic ON si.object_id = sic.object_id
AND six.index_id = sic.index_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.key_constraints kc ON kc.parent_object_id = si.object_id AND kc.unique_index_id = six.index_id
INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_partition_stats sp ON sp.object_id = si.object_id
AND sp.index_id = six.index_id
GROUP BY OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(si.object_id), OBJECT_NAME(si.object_id)
, si.name
, six.index_id
, CONVERT(DECIMAL(38,0),si.seed_value)
, CONVERT(DECIMAL(38,0),si.increment_value)
, CONVERT(DECIMAL(38,0),si.last_value)
, TYPE_NAME(si.system_type_id)
, six.name
, six.is_unique
, kc.type
, sp.row_count
HAVING COUNT(*) < 2 --we are only interested in unique indexes with one column order by 1,2 /*============================================= Select from #tmp_IdentValues =============================================*/ SELECT Schema_Name , Table_Name , Column_Name , Row_Count , FLOOR((Max_Value - Min_Value)/ABS(Increment_Value)) AS [Total_Possible_Inserts] , FLOOR(CASE WHEN (Increment_Value > 0)
THEN (Max_Value-Last_Value)/Increment_Value
ELSE (Min_Value-Last_Value)/Increment_Value
END) AS [Inserts_Remaining]
, FLOOR(CASE WHEN (Increment_Value > 0)
THEN (Max_Value-Seed_Value + 1.0)/Increment_Value
ELSE (Min_Value-Seed_Value + 1.0)/Increment_Value
END) AS [Inserts_Possible]
CASE WHEN (Increment_Value > 0)
THEN (100)*(1.0-(CAST(Max_Value-Last_Value AS FLOAT)/CAST(Max_Value-Seed_Value + 1.0 AS FLOAT)))
ELSE (100)*(1.0-(CAST(Min_Value-Last_Value AS FLOAT)/CAST(Min_Value-Seed_Value + 1.0 AS FLOAT)))
AS [Current_Inserts_Used_Pct]
, CASE WHEN (Increment_Value > 0) THEN
CASE WHEN FLOOR((Max_Value - Last_Value)/Increment_Value) <= 2147483647
THEN CONVERT(DATE, DATEADD(ss, FLOOR((Max_Value - Last_Value)/Increment_Value), GETDATE()), 103)
ELSE '1/1/1900'
CASE WHEN FLOOR((Min_Value - Last_Value)/Increment_Value) <= 2147483647
THEN CONVERT(DATE, DATEADD(ss, FLOOR((Min_Value - Last_Value)/Increment_Value), GETDATE()), 103)
ELSE '1/1/1900'
END AS [Date_You_Will_Run_Out]
, Is_Unique
, Increment_Value
, Last_Value
, Min_Value
, Max_Value
, Seed_Value
FROM #tmp_IdentValues
WHERE Last_Value IS NOT NULL --only want to include identity columns that have been used
AND (Is_Unique <> 'NONE' AND INDEX_COL(Schema_Name+'.'+ Table_Name, Index_ID, 1) = Column_Name
Count = 1
GROUP BY Schema_Name, Table_Name, Column_Name, Index_ID, Row_Count, Is_Unique, Increment_Value, Last_Value, Min_Value, Max_Value, Seed_Value
ORDER BY Current_Inserts_Used_Pct DESC
Many thanks to Karen for her patience in helping with this script. I would have never written it without her prompting or her telling me to “try harder” with each version. Data architects seem to have a knack for asking about absurd edge cases normal people never think about happening, like not having a middle name.
Nice script. Slight bug for case sensitive instances. In the Date_You_Will_Run_Out case statement, Max_value should be Max_Value.
Thanks for letting me know, i’ll get an updated script posted as soon as I can.
Great catch! Thanks.
OK, that should be fixed now, thanks again.
I get this error when data type is DECIMAL or NUMERIC because calculation Max_Value – Min_Value causes an overflow.
Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 146
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type numeric.
Hmmm…I thought I had tested that, let me go back and check on this again. Thanks for letting me know, and I’ll get an update posted.
OK, I thought I had fixed that but apparently not. So, as a quick workaround I trimmed the large value down in order to avoid the overflow for now. Try the code now and let me know if you get past the error.
I still get an error:
Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 146
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type numeric.
Sorry about this, let me go back and review my tests. Any chance you happen to know the datatypes that the script is having an issue with for you? No worries if you can’t, I will add some debug statements to make it easier for everyone in the future.
Here is the column declaration: [Error_ID] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
Weird, but I think I’ve fixed this as well, have another try if you can and let me know.
Interesting. Did you consider sending out alerts when a low percentage (say 20%) of values is available? Then we just schedule this as a job to run every week or so.
One more thing: to run this in SQL Server 2005, change lines 167 and 172:
I know this is an old article, but I have a fringe case for you…. something that doesn’t come up very often, but thought you may like to know.
I have a table with a INT primary key and IDENTITY(1,1). Identity usage was at 91.6% of the just the positive identities, and I have reseeded the table to the negative, minimal range of -2147483648 so that ti starts counting up to 1. We will be working on the new solution well before the negative keys are used up, but needed a small buffer to give us more time.
In any case the script comes with a negative percent used. I’m sure because the seed value always remains as 1 even if the table is reseeded is the cause of it, but I have not dug into the calculations to find out why.
See script output below. I know it probably won’t show nicely (I copied right from excel), but you’ll probably be able to figure out that values for the columns
Schema_Name Table_Name Column_Name Row_Count Total_Possible_Inserts Inserts_Remaining Inserts_Possible Current_Inserts_Used_Pct Date_You_Will_Run_Out Is_Unique Increment_Value Last_Value Min_Value Max_Value Seed_Value
dbo CSE_TrinityData TrinDataKey 13119043 4294967295 4294884711 2147483647 -99.99615443 1/1/1900 PK 1 -2147401064 -2147483648 2147483647 1
In my particular situation, it is difficult to get a precise % identities used for a specific table that I had to reseed. This is the best script I have seen out there that attempts to take into account many scenarios, but I think that Microsoft simply doesn’t give enough information in the system catalog views to meet all scenarios.
I have an INT identity column. I am 91.6% filled up with positive identities. I then reseeded the table to -2147483648 and it is counting back up to 0 while the dev teams work on a permanent fix.
Using the catalog views in this script, it calculates that I have -99% left in the table. That is obviously wrong, but it is due to the limitation of MS’s catalog views and the information they show.
What is truly needed is a script that goes out and counts the number of identities used on the positive side and add them to the number of identities used on the negative side (including identities deleted from the table but are still used) and then divide that number by 4294967295 and multiple by 100 to get an accurate percent of identities used. However, we know that process would likely take forever and row counts do not necessary equal used identity values.
I have implemented a “fix” on this script (at least for me) that I know is buggy to try and ascertain how many identities I have left by using just the system catalog views.
Going to share it here in case anyone else is interested. I know it is not accurate, but it does get me close to the actual used % of identities.
WHEN (Increment_Value > 0 AND Last_Value > 0) THEN (100)*(1.0-(CAST(Max_Value-Last_Value AS FLOAT)/CAST(Max_Value-Seed_Value + 1.0 AS FLOAT)))
WHEN (Increment_Value > 0 AND Last_Value < 0) THEN ABS((100)*(1.0-(CAST(FLOOR((Max_Value – Min_Value)/ABS(Increment_Value))-((Min_Value-Last_Value)-Row_Count) AS FLOAT)/CAST(FLOOR((Max_Value – Min_Value)/ABS(Increment_Value))-Seed_Value + 1.0 AS FLOAT))))
ELSE (100)*(1.0-(CAST(Min_Value-Last_Value AS FLOAT)/CAST(Min_Value-Seed_Value + 1.0 AS FLOAT)))
END AS DECIMAL(10,8)) AS [Current_Inserts_Used_Pct_New]
I know this is a dated article, but I thought you might be interested in a fringe case scenario.
I have a table that is filling up. The original table identity was seeded as (1,1). The table is about full (91.6%) after almost 5 years (only positive identities). In order to give them more time to create a better solution, I am reseeding the table to -2147483648 identity so that it can continue to increment back to 1.
I believe this fringe case breaks the script for that table. Here is the output as taken from excel (sorry about the lack of format, but I am sure you will be able to match up the columns to the values). Note I only made the changes in a non-production table which is barely used, as I await QA testing. But the script says there is -99% of the table used.
Thought you would be interested in know this given that solutions to tables filling up and lack of time to fix them recommend reseeding.
Schema_Name Table_Name Column_Name Row_Count Total_Possible_Inserts Inserts_Remaining Inserts_Possible Current_Inserts_Used_Pct Date_You_Will_Run_Out Is_Unique Increment_Value Last_Value Min_Value Max_Value Seed_Value
dbo CSE_TrinityData TrinDataKey 13126003 4294967295 4294877751 2147483647 -99.99583033 1900-01-01 PK 1 -2147394104 -2147483648 2147483647 1