March Madness – SQL Azure – sys.dm_exec_query_plan

Yesterday we saw how to use the sys.dm_exec_sql_text table function to return the statement text for the connections or requests that are hitting our instance of SQL Azure. Today we take a step further along that path by examining the use of the sys.dm_exec_query_plan function. Unlike the sys.dm_exec_sql_text function (which can take either a SQL … Read more

March Madness – SQL Azure – sys.dm_exec_sql_text

Yesterday we were looking at how to find all the current requests that were hitting your SQL Azure instance. We can take the information returned by that system view and use it with a CROSS APPLY to the sys.dm_exec_sql_text table function. You can input either a SQL handle or a plan handle, and you can get … Read more

March Madness – SQL Azure – sys.dm_exec_requests

Yesterday we looked at how to view the current connections to your instance of SQL Azure. Today we will look at how to see the current requests by examining the sys.dm_exec_requests system view. The following statement will return all current requests that are running against your SQL Azure instance: SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_requests Running that … Read more

March Madness – SQL Azure – sys.dm_exec_connections

Yesterday we talked about how you can view the currently connected sessions to your SQL Azure instance. Doing so allowed for us to view the background sessions that were currently running tasks against our instance. Today we will look at the current connections and the sys.dm_exec_connections system view. You can see all the current connections … Read more

March Madness – SQL Azure – sys.dm_exec_sessions

Yesterday I showed you two ways to find out how changes to SQL Azure may impact your existing database. Today we shift gears a bit and go under the covers of your SQL Azure database to start looking at who is doing what to your database. For those of you used to administering an on-premise instance of … Read more

March Madness – SQL Azure – sys.dm_db_objects_impacted_on_version_change

Yesterday we looked at how you can easily make a copy of a database in SQL Azure. You could even consider that copy to be a backup of your database. I know many DBAs that are reluctant to jump into SQL Azure because of the fact that there is no BACKUP command, and I was … Read more