When To Use Auto Shrink

Never, that’s when. Don’t want to believe me? Well then, who would you believe? How about the SQL Craftsman, a man with more MVP-ness than myself. What’s that? Not good enough for you? Well, then, let me introduce you to Paul Randal. He had some thoughts on the subject. http://blogs.msdn.com/sqlserverstorageengine/archive/2007/03/28/turn-auto-shrink-off.aspx http://www.sqlskills.com/blogs/paul/post/Auto-shrink-e28093-turn-it-OFF!.aspx So why is this … Read more

Carbon Footprints

Apparently, someone is concerned with Google searches: http://news.cnet.com/8301-11128_3-10140142-54.html Now, why are they focusing on Google? I mean, how many hits a day does Amazon.com get? Why pick on Google? What about MSN.com? (I would ask about Live Search but chances are not enough people bother using that for it to matter as far as power … Read more