SQL Vulnerability Assessment
Data is the most critical asset that any company owns and Microsoft is making every effort to help protect your data in every possible way.
Data is the most critical asset that any company owns and Microsoft is making every effort to help protect your data in every possible way.
The latest DB-Engines Database Rankings are available, and it shows that Microsoft continues to gain ground on Oracle/MySQL: I’ve been following the DB-Engines ranking for a few years and would encourage you to do the same. The rankings are not an exact science. You can read for yourself how they are calculated. One thing … Read more
It was just over three years ago that Microsoft introduced the concept of Database Transaction Units (DTUs). To those of us familiar with SQL Server and SQL Database we all had one question: what the hell is a DTU?
It is clear to me that no one, except for database administrators, has any idea what a DBA does all day long:
When I hear stories about folks that tried to migrate to Microsoft Azure SQL Database with a brute-force-single-click and failed, I ask several follow up questions. I have found a common pattern in the answers: lack of strategy.
Here’s an example of something I came across for Azure SQL Database V12 that I don’t see documented anywhere (yet): You can change the compatibility level of an Azure SQL Database.