QuestKB Syndication Archives - Thomas LaRock Thomas LaRock is an author, speaker, data expert, and SQLRockstar. He helps people connect, learn, and share. Along the way he solves data problems, too. Wed, 18 Dec 2013 02:05:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 QuestKB Syndication Archives - Thomas LaRock 32 32 18470099 How To Extract Native Backup From Litespeed Backup File Mon, 08 Feb 2010 18:11:40 +0000 More than once I have had the need to recover the native backup file from within the compressed Litespeed backup file. Fortunately Quest provides an extractor utility in order to help with the process. Otherwise, you would be forced to do a restore followed by a native backup. If your database is of a considerable ... Read more

The post How To Extract Native Backup From Litespeed Backup File appeared first on Thomas LaRock.

More than once I have had the need to recover the native backup file from within the compressed Litespeed backup file. Fortunately Quest provides an extractor utility in order to help with the process. Otherwise, you would be forced to do a restore followed by a native backup. If your database is of a considerable size then the time needed to accomplish that task could be prohibitive; it will always be simpler to do the extraction as opposed to a restore and a backup.

Extraction is very straightforward. First step is to open a command window and navigate to the directory where the utility is located, this is typically the C:\Program Files\Quest Software\LiteSpeed\SQL Server directory.

How To Extract Native Backup From Litespeed Backup File

Next, issue the following command to extract the native backup file.  Yes, files. In fact you will have one file created for each thread that was used when Litespeed was taking the initial database backup. The command is roughly as follows:

extractor.exe -F [path to backup file taken by litepseed] -E [name of file you want to be created]

So, if you had a backup of AdventureWorks saved to C:\AdWks.bak, and you wanted to extract the native dump from that file and create new files in the same directory, you would run the following command:

extractor.exe -F c:\AdWks.bak -E c:\AdWks_ext.bak

This command results in the creation of multiple files. You can configure a path and filename here if you want to have the files stored somewhere other than the current directory.

OK, so what do you do with these files? Well, you restore them, of course, using either T-SQL or SSMS. One common reason for needing to have a native backup is for those rare times when you need to provide a vendor with a copy and that same vendor does not have a copy of Litespeed. And while the extraction utility makes it easy to provide the necessary files, you have no idea who is on the receiving end of the multiple files. I have lost count of the number of vendors I have sent the extracted files to and received an email back that either says “we don’t know what to do with these files” or “can you send us just one file instead?”

Sure, I can do that as well. Or, I could take a minute to teach you how to do it for yourself. Here goes:

Open up SSMS and all you need to do is point to the files. Just add in each file as shown below, and click OK. Then, select your restore point and click OK again. You should be fine, the database restore should be underway at this point. 

Now, if you prefer T-SQL, the equivalent syntax would be:

 FROM  DISK = N'C:\AdWks_ext.bak2',
 DISK = N'C:\AdWks_ext.bak1',
 DISK = N'C:\AdWks_ext.bak0'

It’s that simple.

The post How To Extract Native Backup From Litespeed Backup File appeared first on Thomas LaRock.

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Restoring SQL 2005 Master Using LiteSpeed Tue, 01 Dec 2009 13:55:14 +0000 Less than 24 hours after posting a list of things I am thankful for, where I expressed Thanks for not having to restore master, I found myself awake at 3AM in order to restore master after we had a server lose its data drive. Before I got started I decided to check on the definition ... Read more

The post Restoring SQL 2005 Master Using LiteSpeed appeared first on Thomas LaRock.

Less than 24 hours after posting a list of things I am thankful for, where I expressed Thanks for not having to restore master, I found myself awake at 3AM in order to restore master after we had a server lose its data drive. Before I got started I decided to check on the definition of irony. Yep, it fit.

OK, show of hands: How many people out there use LiteSpeed for your database backups? Now, for those with their hands raised, put your hands down before someone thinks you are crazy for raising your hand while sitting at your computer. Next question: are you also using LiteSpeed to back up your system databases? Final question: do you know how to restore master from a LiteSpeed backup?


Well, how hard can it be? And I am not talking about rebuilding master, but doing a restore of master. So, you startup the instance in single user mode (using -m, which stands for maintenance I believe), and do the restore. What could be easier? Well, lots of things, actually. Turns out that unless you have your process rehearsed you could be fumbling for answers at 3AM. Not good times.

I decided to put together the details on how to get the restore done. Since we rely heavily on support from people on the other side of the Earth (that I have never met) it is vital that I can document as much as possible. And I decided to share the details with all of you as well. You’re welcome.

Since only the data drive was affected in this event all I needed to do was get SQL up and running and start doing restores of the system databases, starting with master. A trick I learned a while back is to copy the master, msdb, and model .mdf and .ldf files from another server to the server we need to recover. We have gone through great pains here to make certain we locate these .mdf and .ldf files in the same path for every server. So, when we start MSSQL, the instance comes alive except for the user databases which are all marked suspect.

But with the instance alive you are now able to get started on recovering master, the important first step. The general outline for this process is as follows:

  1. Shut down the instance completely, by whatever means you prefer.
  2. Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory that contains the sqlservr.exe executable. This is most likely the \Binn directory and you could run the following: cd \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn
  3. Next, you will run the following command: sqlservr.exe -m, which will start the instance. Leave this command window open.
  4. Open a second command window and navigate to directory that contains the SQLLitespeed.exe executable. Most likely this is found by running: cd \Program Files\Quest Software\LiteSpeed\SQL Server\Engine (NOTE: do not confuse the SQLLitespeed.exe executable with the Litespeed.exe executable, as I did several times)
  5. Next, run the following command, substituting in the file path you want to use for the restore: sqllitespeed.exe -Rdatabase -T -Dmaster -F “[backup file to restore from]”
  6. Once complete you will be returned to a prompt in the current command window and the original command window should also have a prompt as the instance will have been shut down.
  7. You can now start the instance as a service as you would do normally.

If you are looking to test that this works then I suggest you create a new login right before you shut down the instance in step one. You can create one real quick by running:

USE [master]
 CREATE LOGIN [master_restore_test]

This will create a login, which you can verify quickly, then you can do the restore of master and verify that the login has disappeared.

I put together these details to share with my team and asked that they all took five minutes to practice restoring master form a Litespeed backup. I hope that none of us will ever need to use these instructions, but if the time comes that such actions are needed I feel better knowing that we have rehearsed these steps.

Believe me, it is better than trying to practice when you are half asleep. And knowing you can recover quickly when disaster strikes gives you confidence to take action when an event happens.

The post Restoring SQL 2005 Master Using LiteSpeed appeared first on Thomas LaRock.

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