Happy Holidays

At this time of year I find myself doing what most people are doing, stand in line, return gifts, and reflect upon things I am thankful for, such as store credit. I am also thankful for gift cards, for mild weather to keep the snow away, and for my beautiful, healthy children. But today I … Read more

Show Me The Error

The other day I needed to describe the funny sound my car was making to my mechanic. If anyone is reading this there is probably a good chance that you have tried to do something similar at some point in your life. maybe not your car, but at some point you have had the need … Read more

When Will People (Want To) Learn?

So there I am, sitting in my cube, slaving away in front of my screen, trying to figure out which team to take in this week’s NFL Survivor pool, when the phone rings and interrupts me from my task. “CrazyDBA speaking.” “There’s something wrong with the database server” “Okay, which one?” “I don’t know.” “You … Read more