Singing In Seattle

“Are you morally opposed to karaoke?” I should have known right away that I was in trouble when my friend sent me an email shortly before the 2006 PASS conference, inquiring about my level of interest in karaoke singing. Since I had no plans for Sunday, or even Monday night, I replied that I was … Read more

Emerald City

The 2006 PASS conference has begun. This year we are located in sunny Seattle. It feels good to be back in the Pacific Northwest, having attended graduate school at Washington State University ten years ago. Hard to believe it has been that long since I was last here, and even longer since the last time … Read more

Final Thoughts From Spain

Today was the final day for the conference, and I am looking forward to spending the next day and a half touring the city instead of listening to more talks about the SS2K5 service broker. I attended four more session today, and managed to take away quite a bit of good content, even more than … Read more

Barcelona, Part Dos

Well, the second day is drawing to a close. I attended four sessions today, one on data mining, one on data warehousing, one on reporting services, and one on CLR integration. You would think that I would have a lot to talk about, and I do (don’t I always?), but to be honest I am … Read more

Hola, Barcelona!

I am at the PASS conference in Barcelona, Spain this week. It is not as big an event as the conference held in the USA each fall, but there is some very good content here, as well as some top-notch resources. Today I learned that if you rebuild your master database in SS2K5 you also … Read more