Additional Travel Tips

Earlier this week Brent Ozar blogged about some tips for those that do not travel frequently. It is a good starting point for anyone that travels on an infrequent basis, but I felt it was lacking a few items and wanted to do my best to help out. As a crime fighter, I spend a lot … Read more

Debit Versus Cash

The other day I found myself at the gas pump, topping off the tank of my economy car with $50, and wondering why there is not more outrage at the high cost of gasoline these days. Sure, people moan about it, but there is no real rage. And there are no long gas lines either, … Read more

Memories of Ken

I learned yesterday that Ken Henderson passed away last Sunday. If anyone reading this blog does not know who he is, just do a Google search for Ken and the word “guru”, and you will get back plenty of links. Ken was one of the best in the industry, and he will be sorely missed. … Read more

The Big Apple

I recently had the pleasure of traveling to New York City to visit our office location there. I try to visit our offices frequently during the year, but for various reasons had not been to New York in quite some time. Now, I know that New Yorkers have a reputation for not being the nicest … Read more

SQL Batman

So there I was, taking out my favorite CD’s and burning them to cassette tapes, when my Blackberry started to flash that familiar red glow. “I have a message!” I thought to myself, and quickly picked up my device. “Who could it be? Is it Commissioner Gordon? Who needs my help?” And there it was, … Read more