What a DBA Does
I resisted the urge to take part in the meme for a while, but recently I had a handful of folks convince me to just put something together, so here you go.
I resisted the urge to take part in the meme for a while, but recently I had a handful of folks convince me to just put something together, so here you go.
It’s the night before Valentine’s Day and I know what you are thinking: “What would Tim Berners-Lee be doing right about now?” I’ll tell you what he is doing. He is linking data. After all, that is what drove him to create HTML over 20 years ago. No, he didn’t invent the web. He wasn’t … Read more
In Seattle this week, so naturally coffee is on the menu and I felt the need to share the following information: Caffeine is “technically” lethal, but you would have to drink an insane amount to have a 50% chance of death There is no reason to ever stop drinking coffee because it is pure awesome Caffeine … Read more
If so, you’re old. Sorry to be the one to tell you.
Absolutely love this video, looking forward to seeing this technology used in my lifetime for flying cars or…better yet… hover-boards. [media id=19]
Here we are, at the end of 2011, and I suddenly realized I hadn’t done one of those obligatory “crap I did last year” posts like everyone else likes to do. So I decided to write about all the things that didn’t happen to me with the thought that in a year from now I … Read more