SQL Agent Startup Error

Earlier today I ran across an error message that I had not seen previously. The message said: Login failed for user ‘[i’m not telling you our domain]\[or the service name]’. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT: <local machine>] Um…yeah…what? I had just changed the service accounts … Read more

PASS Webinar Today

Ever wonder how to customize security for SQL Server Reporting Services? Attend this free webinar today by Cherie Sheriff and learn about custom security appoaches and considerations. Custom Security with Reporting Services Speaker: Cherie Sheriff Thursday, May 14th, at 1:00pm ET In this session we will discuss different custom security approaches with SSRS and what … Read more

PASS Webinar Today

There is a free PASS webinar on SSIS custom components, so take the time to attend this session by Anthony Dangelo. Introduction to SSIS Custom Component Development Speaker: Anthony Dangelo Tuesday, May 12th, 12:00pm ET You have tried so hard not to write code inside of SSIS, but the day has arrived when you tired … Read more