Virtualizing SQL Server: 8 Things to Avoid

Today I had another article go live over at SQL Server Pro. Here is a quick excerpt: I have been involved in virtualization projects for about ten years now. In that time I have had the opportunity to track my own list of best practice items. It’s a list I share freely with customers that … Read more

HOW TO: ALTER TABLE in Windows Azure SQL Database Without Filling Up Your Transaction Log

HOW TO: ALTER TABLE in Windows Azure SQL Database Without Filling Up Your Transaction Log

One of the things I love most about Windows Azure SQL Database (WASD) is that you don’t have many options when it comes to performance tuning. WASD makes you focus on code and design in order to maximize performance. I would estimate that 98% of all performance issues are due to sub-optimal code and database design … Read more

Did You Really Just Spend Thousands on New Hardware?

Did You Really Just Spedn Thousands on New Hardware?

Seriously? You did what now? OK, I’m sure it’s all shiny and new and takes up less space in your data center. That sounds wonderful, truly. But did you try anything else before agreeing to spend money like a sailor on shore leave? I’m here today to help you understand your performance tuning options before … Read more

How To Avoid Butchering Your Windows Azure SQL Database Designs

I met a man once who told me how he wanted to be a butcher but his hands weren’t steady enough. So, he decided to become a dentist instead. The man, of course, was my dentist. And he said those words as he started up his drill. Good times. I often think about that dentist … Read more

Windows Azure SQL Database Strategies

Windows Azure SQL Database Strategies

I’ve been working with Windows Azure SQL Database (WASD) on and off for about three years. This past year I’ve been a bit more involved. I did the technical review of Pro SQL Database for Windows Azure last year. I also delivered a precon seminar along with Dandy Weyn (blog | @ilikesql), Grant Fritchey (blog | @gfritchey) and … Read more

Why Windows Azure SQL Database May Be Right For You

Why Windows Azure SQL Database May Be Right For You

Grande. Bold. No room. It’s my standard order when at Starbucks. Despite there being thousands of ways to have my coffee prepared I prefer the simplest. It’s probably why I enjoy working with Windows Azure SQL Database (WASD) so much. The number of configuration options we have with WASD is limited. By limiting the options … Read more