Data Collection: How To Gather Meaningful Data
The ability to gather meaningful data is as important as the insights the data can generate. Those insights, the end result of any data collection, is what people see and judge.
The ability to gather meaningful data is as important as the insights the data can generate. Those insights, the end result of any data collection, is what people see and judge.
After completing the Microsoft Professional Program for Data Science last year I made up my mind to dive into the Big Data certification next. The end of the year snuck up on me though. Time doesn’t stop. You either make time to get something done, or you don’t.
You can’t just put up a survey on your website and claim to be data-driven. It takes a bit more than that. If this describes you (or your company), then you are not data-driven.
Hey everyone, gather ’round. We need to talk about dashboards. For C-level executives, dashboard reports are essential. Executives don’t have time to review details for every decision, they just want to consume a report that has red, yellow, and green. I’m here today to tell you that your dashboards are a failure.
The Data Analysis toolpack has a lot of useful statistical functions. The first one I used in the course was the descriptive statistics. All we need to do is point it at some data.
When Microsoft announced they were partnering with edX to offer a certificate in Data Science I decided it was the perfect time to dust off my Z-tables.