Book Review: Twitter Wit

“It’s called Twitter, and you should get in on it, it’s like liquid bacon injected into your veins with a Jager chaser.” And so I was introduced to Twitter back in the summer of 2008. I had no idea what Twitter was about. I remember signing up, reading a few random tweets from people I … Read more

It's For Real Now

I decided to Bang myself the other day and came across this link: I guess it is time to make an official announcement: I am writing a book. It is a professional development piece that I hope will help new DBA’s adjust to their careers. I also hope it will help people that are … Read more

Atlas Shrugged

A few months back I had a close friend and mentor of mine suggest I read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. We had been discussing some work related issues and he was trying to help me understand a very important point. In short, the book did exactly what he wanted; it made his point very clear … Read more