Six Sigma Bat Belt

Two weeks down, one more to go for my Six Sigma Black Belt training.  Somehow, I think it would be better for me to refer to it as a “Bat” Belt from this point forward. Make it so, Number One.


Holding off on buying Seahawks-Cardinals tickets for November 16th, betting the price will keep falling between now and then as the Seahawks keep losing. Is it wrong to take advantage of the situation? I feel dirty, like I am getting someone’s prosthetic leg on Ebay because they need the cash for food.

Source Code?

Why would you ask me to script out your current stored procedure before applying your changes? Wouldn’t that procedure already be stored, say, in TFS, or even VSS?


Be very careful when using acronyms, especially when sending text messages. If you are heading to Six Sigma training, it would be unwise to shorten that to “SS Training”. Trust me, people will get the wrong idea.