
Apparently, my domain has bumped up against a bandwidth issue with the web host. While we can easily correct the issue by setting a new default, it made me realize just how bad it is for me to maintain this blog. In fact, I think I can hear the sounds of the trees being bulldozed … Read more

Carbon Footprints

Apparently, someone is concerned with Google searches: Now, why are they focusing on Google? I mean, how many hits a day does get? Why pick on Google? What about (I would ask about Live Search but chances are not enough people bother using that for it to matter as far as power … Read more

More Violated Now Than Ever Before

Last week while I was trying to have a vacation in Las Vegas, something came up at work that seemed rather strange. It seems that our monitoring scripts for a particular server stopped working. Worse, our backups also started failing. We can live without monitoring for a period of time, but we really need to … Read more