HOW TO: Find When SQL Server Wait Stats Were Last Cleared

questionFor years I have found myself often needing these three pieces of information with regards to SQL Server:

When was the last time the server was restarted?

When was the last time the SQL instance was restarted?

When was the last time the SQL Server wait stats were cleared?

If the server itself is restarted, then the answer to all three questions is roughly the same point in time. I find a full-server reboot to be a rare occurrence these days. It is more common for an administrator to restart the SQL Server instance, not the entire server, to clear up a performance problem or perhaps change a configuration setting. There are a handful of ways for you to find out when the SQL Server service was last restarted. You could look inside the SQL Server error log, or you could find the create date for tempdb, or you could query the time the default trace started. Each is valid to give you an idea of the instance restart.

Restarting the instance will also reset the details in DMVs such as sys.dm_os_wait_stats. This is the DMV that contains what I consider to be the most important for any instance of SQL Server: the wait stats. It is also possible to reset the wait stats without restarting SQL Server. This means we could have three different points of interest in time. That means I will want a script to check for each date.

How To Find When SQL Server Was Restarted

Finding the time of the last SQL Server restart is very easy. Starting in SQL 2008R2 we could query the sys.dm_os_sys_info system DMV to return that piece of information:

SELECT sqlserver_start_time AS [SQLRestart]
FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info

OK, that’s simple enough. And we can use that same system DMV in order to find the last time the server itself was restarted. We just need to do a little math on the ms_ticks column like this:

SELECT DATEADD(ms, -ms_ticks, GETDATE()) AS [ServerRestart]
FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info

So, getting those two pieces of information is very easy. What about if wait stats are reset?

How To Reset Wait Stats in SQL Server

You can reset the details of SQL Server wait stats using the following command:

DBCC SQLPERF ('sys.dm_os_wait_stats', CLEAR)

This will reset the details found in the sys.dm_os_wait_stats system DMV. Unfortunately there is no easy way to tell when that DBCC SQLPERF command was executed. It isn’t logged to the errorlog, and there is no DMV that tracks this information. So any solution will estimate, at best, when this command may have executed.

Enter Ivan Penkov. You don’t know Ivan? He’s the person that suggested we could use the SQLTRACE_INCREMENTAL_FLUSH_SLEEP wait event to estimate when wait stats may have been last cleared. Thanks for that Ivan, much appreciated.

The code for this is simple enough:

SELECT DATEADD(ms, -wait_time_ms, GETDATE()) AS [DMVRestart]
FROM sys.dm_os_wait_stats

Putting It All Together

We have three queries against two system DMVs in order to return these three points of interest in time. I can take those queries and put them into a quick script. As always, here is the usual disclaimer:

Script disclaimer, for people who need to be told this sort of thing:

DISCLAIMERDo not run code you find on the internet in your production environment without testing it first. Do not use this code if your vision becomes blurred. Seek medical attention if this code runs longer than four hours. On rare occasions this code has been known to cause one or more of the following: nausea, headaches, high blood pressure, popcorn cravings, and the impulse to reformat tabs into spaces. If this code causes your servers to smoke, seek shelter. Do not taunt this code.

You can also download a copy of the script here.

  File: SQL_Server_last_restart.sql

  Author: Thomas LaRock,

  Summary: This script will return the following items:
		1. The last time the server was rebooted
		2. The last time the SQL instance was restarted
		3. The last time DBCC SQLPERF('sys.dm_os_wait_stats', CLEAR) was executed


  Date: March 19th, 2015

  SQL Server Versions: SQL2008R2, SQL2012, SQL2014

  You may alter this code for your own purposes. You may republish
  altered code as long as you give due credit. 



 Drop/create our temp table
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects 
	WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb.dbo.#tmp_RestartTime')
	AND type IN (N'U'))
	DROP TABLE #tmp_RestartTime

CREATE TABLE #tmp_RestartTime
	(Name VARCHAR(20),
	RestartDate DATETIME)

 Get the ServerRestart time, insert into #tmp_RestartTime 
INSERT INTO #tmp_RestartTime
SELECT 'ServerRestart', DATEADD(ms, -ms_ticks, GETDATE())
FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info

 Get the SQLRestart time, insert into #tmp_RestartTime 
INSERT INTO #tmp_RestartTime
SELECT 'SQLRestart', sqlserver_start_time
FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info

 Get the DMVRestart time, insert into #tmp_RestartTime 
INSERT INTO #tmp_RestartTime
SELECT 'DMVRestart', DATEADD(ms, -wait_time_ms, GETDATE())
FROM sys.dm_os_wait_stats

 Return result from #tmp_RestartTime
FROM #tmp_RestartTime

I hope you find this script useful for those times that you need to know these three pieces of information.

13 thoughts on “HOW TO: Find When SQL Server Wait Stats Were Last Cleared”

  1. Thanks for nice tricks by which we can know the server start time and wait state last cleared time. But the query which finds server start date can errored out with arithmetic overflow if server is running since long. Can we change it to this DATEADD(ss, -ms_ticks/1000, GETDATE())?

  2. “I find a full-server reboot to be a rare occurrence these days.”

    Are organizations not applying Windows patches monthly or quarterly? Or is that what you mean by “rare”?

    I’m working on a Wait Stats collector package and will be using this tip in it. Thank you!

    • I meant that comment with regards to SQL Server. Wasn’t thinking about Windows updates, but yeah, monthly reboots would be common for most shops I think. But rebooting a server in order to address an issue with SQL is what I find rare.

  3. Why the temp table? A UNION ALL between the SELECT statements would do the very same…
    Apart from this – thanks for the script, very useful.

    • Habit. I like to break my code down into functional areas. That way if something changes it can reduce the impact of something breaking. Feel free to modify as you see fit.

      • Thomas, in the above article you showed how to get when was the last time the Server restarted, the SQL Server restarted, and Waits statistics cleared … what I’m asking about is how to get WHEN was the last time the QUERY STATISTICS cleared? not how … what I want is WHEN

        • Could you give me an example of how query statistics would be reset outside of the three scenarios above?

          Are you asking for when stats were last updated on a table? Is there a particular command you are using to clear query statistics other than DBCC FREEPROCCACHE? Are you resetting the statistics for one query, or for all of them?

          You question is rather ambiguous to me, I apologize for not knowing what it is you are doing to reset query statistics. Once I know more about what you are doing, then I can go about trying to help you find a solution.



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