I was going through some old files recently and I came across a folder that was essentially a junk drawer of scripts I’ve put together over the years. I don’t know what to do with most of them now. For example, the isql scripts for some Sybase ASE 11.5 instances aren’t very helpful for many these days.
Still, I can’t bear to just delete them. I’m thinking I should put them on a floppy disk where they belong.
But not all of the scripts I found are old. One script is a little something I put together for a TechEd presentation in 2012. This script should(!) be able to quickly flag any server configuration option that is set to a non-default value.
Now, just because your instance is running with a non-default configuration value is not, by itself, a bad thing. For example, the default value for max server memory is 2147483647MB (yep, just about 2PB of memory). So, changing that particular option is often recommended. And depending upon your system you might find other default values (such as “cost threshold for parallelism”) changed from the default value as well.
In that 2012 TechEd talk I used Powershell to execute this script against multiple servers, but you should do whatever is right for you. In fact, I would encourage you to alter this script for your environment. If, for example, you want all your servers to have “cost threshold for parallelism” to be set to 30, then alter this script to reflect that default value instead.
The SQL Server configuration check script below has been tested against SQL 2005 and later versions. If you use it and find any issues, just let me know. The full script is below, but you can also find it here for download.
The script itself is fairly simple. It defines and populates a table variable (named @config) with the name of the configuration option and the default value. While the configuration options available have changed changed slightly between versions of SQL Server through the years the default values for the configuration options have not changed. So I can populate this table variable as a sort of master list and compare that to the sys.configurations table using an inner join on the name of the configuration option. The script will check your current sys.configurations table for either a configured (i.e., your currently set default) or a running value that does not match the out-of-the-box defaults you get with SQL Server.
Before I get to the script, here is my usual disclaimer:
Script disclaimer, for people who need to be told this sort of thing:
DISCLAIMER: Do not run code you find on the internet in your production environment without testing it first. Do not use this code if your vision becomes blurred. Seek medical attention if this code runs longer than four hours. On rare occasions this code has been known to cause one or more of the following: nausea, headaches, high blood pressure, popcorn cravings, and the impulse to reformat tabs into spaces. If this code causes your servers to smoke, seek shelter. Do not taunt this code.
File: SQL_Server_config_check.sql
Author: Thomas LaRock, https://thomaslarock.com/contact-me/
SQL Server Configuration Check
Summary: This script will check the values of your sys.configurations table and compare it to the default values. The script should return a row for any configuration option that is currently set to a non-default value. I’ve created one table variable to hold the default values for every version of SQL Server going back to SQL 2005. You can verify for yourself that I have used the default values for each version by reading this BOL entry: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189631.aspx You’ll note that the default values have not changed(!) between versions, but certain configuration options are not available in each version. By using an inner join on the name column I believe the extra rows are not an issue for our final result set. But hey, I’ve been wrong before. Date: July 24th, 2014 SQL Server Versions: SQL 2005, SQL 2008, SQL 2008R2, SQL 2012, SQL 2014 You may alter this code for your own purposes. You may republish altered code as long as you give due credit. THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. =============================================*/ DECLARE @config TABLE ( name nvarchar(35), default_value sql_variant ) INSERT INTO @config (name, default_value) VALUES ('access check cache bucket count',0), ('access check cache quota',0), ('Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',0), ('affinity I/O mask',0), ('affinity64 I/O mask',0), ('affinity mask',0), ('affinity64 mask',0), ('Agent XPs',1), -- Changes to 1 if SQL Agent is started, so I check for that ('allow updates',0), ('awe enabled',0), ('backup compression default',0), ('blocked process threshold (s)',0), ('c2 audit mode',0), ('clr enabled',0), ('common criteria compliance enabled',0), ('contained database authentication', 0), ('cost threshold for parallelism',5), ('cross db ownership chaining',0), ('cursor threshold',-1), ('Database Mail XPs',0), ('default full-text language',1033), ('default language',0), ('default trace enabled',1), ('disallow results from triggers',0), ('EKM provider enabled',0), ('filestream access level',0), ('fill factor (%)',0), ('ft crawl bandwidth (max)',100), ('ft crawl bandwidth (min)',0), ('ft notify bandwidth (max)',100), ('ft notify bandwidth (min)',0), ('index create memory (KB)',0), ('in-doubt xact resolution',0), ('lightweight pooling',0), ('locks',0), ('max degree of parallelism',0), ('max full-text crawl range',4), ('max server memory (MB)',2147483647), ('max text repl size (B)',65536), ('max worker threads',0), ('media retention',0), ('min memory per query (KB)',1024), ('min server memory (MB)',0), ('nested triggers',1), ('network packet size (B)',4096), ('Ole Automation Procedures',0), ('open objects',0), ('optimize for ad hoc workloads',0), ('PH timeout (s)',60), ('precompute rank',0), ('priority boost',0), ('query governor cost limit',0), ('query wait (s)',-1), ('recovery interval (min)',0), ('remote access',1), ('remote admin connections',0), ('remote login timeout (s)',10), ('remote proc trans',0), ('remote query timeout (s)',600), ('Replication XPs',0), ('scan for startup procs',0), ('server trigger recursion',1), ('set working set size',0), ('show advanced options',0), ('SMO and DMO XPs',1), ('SQL Mail XPs',0), ('transform noise words',0), ('two digit year cutoff',2049), ('user connections',0), ('user options',0), ('Web Assistant Procedures', 0), ('xp_cmdshell',0) SELECT sc.name, sc.value, sc.value_in_use, c.default_value FROM sys.configurations sc INNER JOIN @config c ON sc.name = c.name WHERE sc.value <> sc.value_in_use OR sc.value_in_use <> c.default_value GO
Let me know if you find the script useful, I may have one or two other scripts laying around worth sharing as well.
G’day Tom – your comment at the end of line 51 (“Agent XPs”) starts with a long dash rather than a short dash e.g. —
It mucks up the comment and gives a syntax error.
Very minor, but thought it worth posting in case others run into same problem.
Ah, sorry about that. Thanks for pointing it out, and I do believe it has been fixed.
Thanks for the comment!
Nice. I tried something like this last year. I look for the non defaults and I look for a few defaults that I consider “bad” defaults or ones to at least consider.. Of course that is a different standard for each person, but I always think I’m right 😉
Very nice script indeed.
Noticed that there is a new setting included in SQL Server 2014 that I would like to add to the script; backup checksum default.
Actually its not yet included in the MSDN article
Configuration option: backup checksum default
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 1
Default: 0
Description: Enable checksum of backups by default
Thanks! I can put that into an updated script and share.
Hi Thomas, I’ve helped create a tool which compares the configurations of up to 200 SQL Server instances. It also looks at trace flags, plan caches, users etc. Hopefully you’ll find it useful.
Phil (your room monitor from SQLBits ’15)
Very cool! Thanks for sharing here!