Comments on: They Only Remember The “No” Thomas LaRock is an author, speaker, data expert, and SQLRockstar. He helps people connect, learn, and share. Along the way he solves data problems, too. Wed, 29 May 2013 08:26:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Something for the Weekend - SQL Server Links 24/05/13 • John Sansom Wed, 29 May 2013 08:26:26 +0000 […] They Only Remember the “No” – Thomas Larock (Blog|Twitter) […]

By: Ayman El-Ghazali Fri, 17 May 2013 22:49:00 +0000 I had to fix tons of disk space issues this week which only our ops team knew about. When my boss said there isn’t much DBA work to do I started outlining how I spent my week putting out unnecessary fires. A DBA goes unnoticed when things run smoothly and then everyone belittles the job we do in being proactive.

That book sounds interesting I’ll have to put it on my reading list.

By: ThomasLaRock Fri, 17 May 2013 17:51:00 +0000 In reply to Michael J Swart.

Good point Michael, frequent updates can make a difference. But that’s only for the issues that have longer deadlines. If the 10th time is someone saying “I need a quick answer for Obscure Feature X” and you say “give me a week, that may be still be seen as a failure. And that sucks, because you want to help…you are trying to help…but you still come up short.

By: ThomasLaRock Fri, 17 May 2013 17:48:00 +0000 In reply to datachick.

No, it’s not just Canadian.

By: Michael J Swart Fri, 17 May 2013 17:43:00 +0000 We can turn that on its head sometimes where I can be perceived more positively for the infrequent times I fall short:

If I’m lucky, I can help out with issues so efficiently that people are barely aware there was an issue. Or they underestimate the severity of the issue and that often leads to forgetting there ever was an issue in the first place.

If I do that 9 times out of 10, and the 10th issue it takes me a week to tackle. If I give frequent updates, I’m seen as tackling a tough and severe issue. And it’s that that sticks in peoples minds.

I often struggle with that dilemma.

By: datachick Fri, 17 May 2013 17:34:00 +0000 I need to manage expectations, but also my ability to manage the guilt of saying “no”. I shouldn’t feel guilty if I can’t respond with a “yes’, I know.

Plus it’s just not Canadian.
