Comments on: Book Recommendation: Writing That Works – How to Communicate Effectively in Business Thomas LaRock is an author, speaker, data expert, and SQLRockstar. He helps people connect, learn, and share. Along the way he solves data problems, too. Thu, 23 May 2013 14:48:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: ThomasLaRock Thu, 23 May 2013 14:48:00 +0000 In reply to Matt.

That’s interesting, I had not thought about how that flag is so rare that it actually stands out even more!

By: Matt Thu, 23 May 2013 14:43:00 +0000 Re: using the “High Importance” flag.

I’ve found that I get the quickest response if I use the “Low Importance” flag. People assume the email’s going to be a joke, or an invitation to the pub.

By: ThomasLaRock Thu, 23 May 2013 01:23:00 +0000 In reply to datachick.

Yeah, I could barely get through the two paragraph comment you just left for me to read.

By: datachick Wed, 22 May 2013 20:50:00 +0000 In Stephen King’s _On Writing_, he recommends that every draft remove 10% of the words. I work with people who add 25 pages with every draft and never go back and clean up their original draft. This is for technical documentation.

It’s crazy. No one is going to read or reference a 200 page technical document.
