Comments on: DBAs and Data Architects: Equally Despised? Thomas LaRock is an author, speaker, data expert, and SQLRockstar. He helps people connect, learn, and share. Along the way he solves data problems, too. Fri, 03 Aug 2012 11:28:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: si downes Fri, 03 Aug 2012 11:28:00 +0000 In reply to Claire.

Claire: how has the agile scrum approach worked out? Would be interested to know more details, especially how it turned out now it is 9 months since you left the comment. We have separate development teams using agile and waterfall, with architecture stuck in the middle.

By: Tracy McKibben Sat, 03 Dec 2011 02:27:09 +0000 This one’s going on our internal “community” site Monday morning. There are certain developers in our organization who need to see this.

By: Justin Dearing Mon, 28 Nov 2011 16:20:58 +0000 Karen: I agree with the economic basis of your argument, but I’d frame it in the more abstract term incentivized versus compensated. Its not just about money or continued employment, its about pressure, peer perception and other intangibles as well as the next paycheck, promotion, bonus and review.

Awer: Doing it all yourself is a good option sometimes. Also, code is not the hardest thing to do in a project. Few can code, but few can also sell an idea, or set priorities. Yes some jobs are easier than others. Programming is harder than working a level one help desk. However, its much easier to write a simple crud app with 100,000 concurrent users than it would be to run a support desk for those 100.000 users.

By: Stephen Archbold Mon, 28 Nov 2011 14:45:25 +0000 Awer, is this you?

By: Brent Ozar Mon, 28 Nov 2011 14:25:35 +0000 Awer: “And whether you like it or not, WRITING CODE correctly is the most DIFFICULT thing to do in the whole world of grassroots computing”

Maybe for you. And maybe that’s a sign that you’re not quite in the right profession. (Although I’m not sure I’d recommend politician as an alternate career choice.)

By: sqlrockstar Mon, 28 Nov 2011 14:07:05 +0000 In reply to Awer Knight.

Um…wow…OK, perhaps you missed this line in the article:

“So how do we avoid this? With better project management, a better setting of expectations, and an understanding of what is needed versus what is wanted.”

Sorry to have sickened you. Perhaps you are unfamiliar with how the internet works, how it is full of opinions, and how some of those may differ from your own.

Feel free to browse elsewhere.

By: Awer Knight Mon, 28 Nov 2011 06:57:01 +0000 There is only 1 answer…
DO IT ALL YOURSELF – DESIGN, DATABASE, GRAPHICS, PROGRAMMING – oh AND I SOMETHIMES TYPE WITH CAPITAL LETTERS SO OTHERS DON’T IGNORE ME ALTOGETHER. I’ve been oxymoronically called a “Stupid Geek” before and that person didn’t last long in their job let me tell you now.
No two DBAs or DEVELOPERs, or PROJECT MANAGERs for that matter, are the SAME. This article is disgusting the way it pigeon-holes people, you’ve made me feel utterly sickened with your generalisations that come nowhere near applying to me. The real problem with the world is exacerbated by silly articles like this… lay people need to GET A CLUE about WHAT they’re talking about before they BLAME someone else or cry uselessly that “it doesn’t work” ! Developers don’t hate everyone, they just hate it when someone who uses the app everyday can’t feedback properly about a bug, they just say, again, “it doesn’t work” there is nothing more anti-constructive and indicative of “I have to use a computer in my job but never bothered to learn how to use one properly” … this is why developers get so frustrated and sometimes believe they’re above everyone else, it’s because, in some ways they are above everyone else (but not all of course that would be proof of a really bad supremacy complex). And whether you like it or not, WRITING CODE correctly is the most DIFFICULT thing to do in the whole world of grassroots computing – if you don’t believe so, then you’re NOT a developer and stop pretending that you have any idea how hard it really is. Developers don’t need to think the are smarter than everyone else, if they do then they are not really a good developer after all, more a pretentious self-righteous dimwit which can happen to YOU too, no matter what walk of life you step. PLEASE Stop picking on DEVELOPERS unless you’ve actually tried to do what people like us do. You won’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone, typical greedy human colours.
