Comments on: Index Tuning Advisors Thomas LaRock is an author, speaker, data expert, and SQLRockstar. He helps people connect, learn, and share. Along the way he solves data problems, too. Tue, 10 Aug 2010 14:04:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: dmmaxwell Tue, 10 Aug 2010 14:04:31 +0000 I like the Jiffy Lube example. That makes a lot of sense.

I’ve had little luck with the DETA when it comes to workload tuning. It seems to do OK when it comes to tuning for specific queries in specific cases, but for overall tuning, I agree, it’s not much help.

I have a habit of renaming my Quick Launch icons with humorous names. (Enterprise Mangler, SSIS Kludge Factory, etc.) DETA gets the title of “Missing Index Wizard”. 🙂

Thanks for the post.
