I had two tips go live this past week over at MSSQLTips, both with regards to the SQL Server Audit feature in SQL 2008. The first tip shows how to enable SQL Server Audit. The second tip shows how to use the AUDIT_CHANGE_GROUP to monitor changes to your audit configurations. Some people would call that “audit the audit”.
SQL Server 2008 Auditing Feature
SQL Server 2008 Audit Change Group
I’ve been playing around with SQL Server Audit for over a year now, but I have spent more time on it during the past six weeks. So much time, in fact, that I have submitted a talk for SQL Saturday #39 in New York City on April 24th. The talk will be titled SQL Server 2008 Audit, and I will give an overview of how to use the feature, review the various options, and even try to answer questions. So if you are in NYC on the 24th, stop by for a free day of training.