It’s that time of year again, the time where we all think about what we want to accomplish for the next twelve months. Since I did fairly well with my 2009 goals, and since it is always a good idea to write down your objectives, I decided to get my done today and then tag others to talk about their goals for 2010.
This year I am also adding something new. Yesterday over at HPC, Tara Hunt wrote about using a themeword for the coming year as opposed to writing down resolutions. So, I am going to “borrow” that concept and set down a themeword for myself as well as list out some goals that I believe align with my themeword.
My themeword for 2010 is going to be: COACH. I want to spend 2010 helping others as much as possible. How do I plan on doing that? Well, I need to help myself a bit and then to help others a lot more.
Serving the PASS community
I managed to actually win an election a few months back, so this one is already on my plate. Still, there are some distinct items for me to achieve this year and by doing so I should be able to provide value to others. In the coming weeks I hope to be able to write more about the specific tasks I will have assigned to me for the upcoming year.
Finish my 2008 MCITP certifications
I only have one exam to go, so maybe this one is not much of a reach. But what I want to do afterwards is reaching quite far: I want to obtain the MCM certification for SQL 2008. After I finish my last MCITP exam I will start up on the MCM reading list. You’ll be hearing more about my progress on the list, I hope. And should I complete the MCM I hope to use the knowledge to better my company and to help others in the SQL community as well.
Find 3 people to mentor
I have probably 6-7 mentors right now, but I am not currently mentoring anyone else. I’m not sure why that would be the case right now, but I recognize the need to be giving back what I have learned. So I will be looking to take on this role in the coming months.
Complete the NYC marathon
I completed it back in 2006, and I have my entry for 2010 secured already. Why do it again? Well, because I want to finish it in under four hours. And because it is New York City, and a fabulous event despite all that happened the first time around. I have already started my training for this one; I have altered my diet and I am slowly building a base for weekly mileage so that I am ready to hit the road when the weather turns warm. If I get lucky I will complete the Hartford Marathon three weeks prior to NYC as part of my training program. If I get unlucky then I will just go to NYC and walk the 26.2 miles, just to be a part of the event.
Oh, and the PASS Summit is the same week as the NYC Marathon. I doubt I will be arrive in Seattle early this year but promise to get there as soon as I am able.
What does this have to do with coaching? It is mostly self-discipline. I cannot ask others to do things that I have not tried myself. If I want others to have focus, patience, and self-discipline, then I should practice what I preach. Running helps me to achieve that.
Become a better father
No list of mine is complete without including my family obligations in some way. A lot of the above activities are going to take me away from my family for periods of time. So I will need to make a concentrated effort to make sure family time is included in my routine. On top of that, I need to make certain it is quality time. So many times I look back on my interactions with my children and I think “I could have handled that better”. While I recognize I will never be perfect, I need to start taking those mental notes of mine and put them into actions. Every father needs to coach their children, every day.
That should be more than enough to keep me busy for the next year.
I am tagging Jeremiah Peschka (@peschkaj), Tim Ford (@SQLAgentman), and Jason Massie (@statisticsio).
Sounds like a very busy and rewarding year ahead for ya 🙂
Good luck and Happy (early) New Year!!
Good luck with your goals. Speaking of the mentoring, strange thing… I’m looking for a mentor. Been involuntary dba now for awhile and have both of my prerequisite certs done for my mcitps for SQL 08. Hoping to have one mcitp done this summer. Would love to take one of those spots.
sold! wait, you have to contact me on Saturday, that way it will be 2010…
drop me an email when you are able!
A former pastor of mine, and the guy who licensed me into the ministry, was fond of the saying, “Kids spell love T-I-M-E.” I can remember one Father’s Day when his grown sons were in attendance in the congregation and he broke down crying, asking for their forgiveness, as he had, for much of their lives, put his ministry over being a father.
That was a humbling experience. One that was brought back to mind a few years ago when I realized that with my job/ministry, I was following the same path he had once walked.
Good list, and good luck on the marathon. My wife wants me to do some races with her this year as well.
I am also looking for a mentor and would love to get some guidance from you when you have time. I am a young DBA\Developer with five years of experience. I like your goals and I think they are somewhat similar to mine.
sure John, I would love to be able to help. drop me an email and we can set up a time to chat.
i want to be the third who want to get your little time mentoring me.. if possible i spend 2 years in job but still i am not that that efficient.
Can you give me your little time for this