Election Update

It’s over. I lost…again. This time by twenty votes. So, vote wise I got worse, but I supposedly had a higher percentage of the vote this time around. I am heading towards a “Susan Lucci” designation with regards to PASS board membership.

Anyway, I thought I should let y’all know as soon as I knew.

I want to thank everyone for their hard work and effort on my campaign. While it is a ‘dark night’ in Gotham tonight, and sad faces are engaged everywhere, I promise that I am not going anywhere anytime soon. This was a wild ride. I had a lot of fun and made a lot of new contacts along the way.

The saddest part is that I have to let SQLBatgirl and Alfred go, due to budget constraints. The good news is that Alfred won a Zune as a parting gift. SQLBatgirl can keep her costume.

Tonight is the SQL Server Heroes Unite party at PASS. Huh, seems odd that SQLBatman could not win an election with that theme this year, but i digress. So, if you see me stop by and say hello.

Thanks again everyone.

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