Clustering On Uniqueidentifiers Is “No Reason For Worry”?

“Trust [everyone], but always cut the deck.” – Gerald Weinberg Whenever I come across a piece of technical information on the internet I try to remember two things. The first is assume good intentions. The second is trust, but verify. In other words, don’t assume that the person sharing the information is doing so for any other … Read more

6 Little Known Things That Can Cause Big Performance Issues

Ever have that sinking feeling?

As a system admin, DBA, or a developer it is our job to root out performance problems quickly. The trouble is that there are so many things that can cause performance issues it can be difficult to know every possible root cause. This is especially true when the root cause lies somewhere outside your area … Read more

Less Is More, Even With Databases

I’ve been writing (and blogging) for about ten years now. I’ve written lots of things over the years and I have learned how much better my writing becomes when I remove words upon editing. So much improvement can be found that I often feel it might have been best to have not written anything at … Read more

Do You Make These 5 Database Design Mistakes?

Look, everyone makes mistakes. It’s true. But not all of us have the chance to make mistakes that end up costing millions of dollars in hardware and production support costs. Any one of the following five mistakes listed below will add additional costs to your company. It’s guaranteed. The costs could be hardware related (extra disk … Read more