Back From TechEd

What a crazy first week of work I had last week. My new company had me fly down to New Orleans to be with them for TechEd 2010 and on Tuesday we officially announced my new position for Confio Software. I spent a lot of time in and around our booth in the Exhibition Hall … Read more

Speaking at SQL Saturday #39

I’ll be speaking at the upcoming SQL Saturday event in NYC this coming weekend. The title of my talk is ‘SQL Server 2008 Audit’ and it is as exciting as it sounds, trust me. I am bringing along some giveaways: two copies of my book, one copy of Pro SQL Server 2008 Policy-Based Management, and … Read more


My moo cards have arrived. I will be bringing them to the PASS Summit next week and hope to be able to distribute as many as possible during networking events. As you can see I went with three images, each taken by @FemmeFoto (blog | twitter). Clearly she can make anyone look good. She also … Read more